• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

How to Use Midjourney to Make Money

How-to-Use-Midjourney- to-Make- MoneyHow to Use Midjourney to Make Money
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Midjourney is an AI image generation tool that will explode in popularity in 2022. With its ability to create stunning digital art and images from text prompts, Midjourney opens up exciting new opportunities for artists, designers, entrepreneurs, and creators of all kinds to generate unique visual content and potential income streams.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various ways you can leverage Midjourney to make money, either as a side hustle or even a full-time business. Whether you’re an aspiring digital artist looking to sell AI-generated art, a blogger needing eye-catching images, or an entrepreneur wanting to create viral content, Midjourney can help take your monetization efforts to the next level.

Overview of Midjourney and AI Image Generation


What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is an AI system developed by Anthropic to generate images from text descriptions. Using a technology called “generative adversarial networks” (GANs), Midjourney can create original images, art, logos, and more after being given a text prompt.

Midjourney launched in 2021 as a closed beta. In July 2022, it opened up to the public and quickly gained viral popularity for its ability to turn text into photorealistic images with intricate detail.

Unlike other AI image generators, Midjourney creates full-resolution images up to 4096×4096 pixels, making them highly usable for professional or commercial projects.

Users can generate images on Midjourney by joining the Discord server and interacting with the Midjourney bot. A limited number of free image generations are allowed per month. For unlimited generations, various subscription tiers are available.

How Does Midjourney Work?

How Does Midjourney Work

Anthropic’s open-source AI model Stable Diffusion is the foundation of Midjourney. Stable Diffusion is a “diffusion model” type of generative AI that creates images through a process of carefully controlled random noise.

The key steps in Midjourney’s image generation process are:

  • The user provides a text prompt describing the desired image
  • Midjourney analyzes the text to extract key semantic concepts
  • The AI generates a low-resolution image through randomized diffusion
  • Upscaling techniques increase the image size and quality
  • The final image is returned to the user

By training on millions of text-image pairs, Midjourney learned deep connections between language concepts and visual representations. This allows it to render highly creative and original images from text prompts.

The real magic lies in Midjourney’s ability to grasp nuance, metaphor, emotions, and subtle cues within language and map them into detailed visual depictions. This opens up new creative possibilities for users to turn imaginative ideas into gorgeous artworks.

Ways to Make Money with Midjourney

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the various methods, both direct and indirect, that you can use Midjourney’s image generation capabilities to make money:

Sell Midjourney Artwork

One of the most obvious ways to make money with Midjourney is by selling the AI-generated images as artwork, either as digital copies or physical prints.

There is already a booming market for AI art, with individual Midjourney art pieces selling for hundreds or even thousands of dollars on NFT marketplaces and auction sites. While prices are likely to stabilize over time as AI art becomes more commonplace, the novelty provides an opportunity to cash in early.

Here are some tips for monetizing your midjourney artwork:

  • Experiment widely: Generate lots of images across different styles, genres, and concepts to identify your best-sellers. Target trending or underserved niches.
  • Offer limited editions or signed copies. Add scarcity to boost perceived value. “Signing” the art by appending your name or seal also allows you to take creative ownership.
  • Sell through NFT marketplaces: Platforms like OpenSea have thriving marketplaces for AI-generated art NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Most accept credit cards or cryptocurrency.
  • Run auctions: Limited-time auctions create excitement and competition for your one-of-a-kind Midjourney artworks. Sites like Nifty Gateway host auctions tailored for NFT artists.
  • License for commercial use: Companies may want to license your AI art for advertising, merchandise, digital products, etc. Charge licensing fees for commercial use while retaining copyright.

As with any artistic pursuit, consistently generating compelling, emotionally-resonant images that uniquely capture people’s imagination maximizes sales potential. But even artistically mundane Midjourney outputs can find buyers in the right marketplaces.

Offer AI Image Services

If creating and selling your own AI art doesn’t appeal, you can generate income by providing Midjourney-powered services to others:

  • AI digital art commissions: Offer made-to-order art services for clients on freelancing sites like Fiverr. Give clients creative consultation and deliver customized Midjourney artwork tailored to their vision.
  • AI art assets for creators: Provide AI-generated art, logos, book covers, artwork, and other assets that creators can use for their products, videos, books, or other projects.
  • AI image enhancement: Use Midjourney to clean up, enhance, colorize, or upscale clients’ existing images and photos. It is especially helpful for improving low-res images for websites, social media, etc.
  • AI content generation: Beyond just images, help clients ideate and generate blog post topics, product descriptions, ad copy, and other text content with AI. It is useful for smoothing clients’ content creation workflows.
  • AI consulting: Provide strategic guidance to companies on how to best utilize AI for content, art, product ideation, and more. Especially helpful for businesses new to leveraging generative AI.

The key is identifying needs where your Midjourney skills can enhance clients’ projects and improve their outcomes, then positioning yourself as an expert. As AI art becomes more widespread, the creative application of tools like Midjourney will remain a valued skill.

Sell Merchandise Featuring AI Art

How to Sell AI Art on Print-on-Demand Platforms - Metaroids

Once you’ve mastered generating engaging Midjourney images, you can create merchandise like t-shirts, posters, mugs, and other physical goods featuring your designs. Print-on-demand dropshipping services like Teespring, Redbubble, and Shopify allow you to upload designs for manufacturing, selling, and shipping when customers order.

Niche, pop culture, and meme-inspired designs tend to sell best. But intriguing Midjourney experiments in new styles and subject matter can become conversation-starting merchandise. Such goods let fans indirectly show support for AI-generated art while enjoying visually stunning designs.

Some tips for maximizing merchandise income:

  • Test multiple product types: Beyond just t-shirts, explore posters, phone cases, notebooks, and other products to gauge demand.
  • Iterate through designs: Try out fresh Midjourney styles and concepts to create diverse options. Analyze sales data to double down on proven sellers.
  • Promote on social media: Share merch links and product images proactively on Instagram, Twitter, Discord groups, and other platforms. Nurture an engaged audience.
  • Experiment with text integration: add slogans, phrases, or captions within Midjourney images for statement apparel and merchandise.

As public fascination with AI art grows, the appeal of merchandise featuring computer-generated creativity will likely endure. Producing such merchandise allows Midjourney to monetize Midjourney indirectly by tapping into an existing fanbase.

Sell or license AI Images for Commercial Use

A more hands-off method is to generate a large volume of varied Midjourney images, then sell or license those stock assets to third parties for commercial use.

Photographers have long profited from licensing their photos via stock image libraries like Shutterstock and Getty. Now AI creators can similarly profit from licensing Midjourney outputs, while buyers appreciate the visual variety, uniqueness, and affordability of AI stock.

Some tips for succeeding with commercial AI stock:

  • Produce a wide range of styles: from landscapes to conceptual art to product mockups, strive for diversity. Cover popular use cases and underserved niches.
  • Pay attention to copyright. Avoid generating depictions of trademarked brands or characters. Stick to original concepts to minimize legal risks.
  • Add your own touch: After generating images with Midjourney, use Photoshop or other tools to refine, touch up, or add your creative flair. This helps differentiate your stock.
  • Upload to stock libraries: Join reputable stock sites like Adobe Stock, iStock, Alamy, and others. They handle licensing, fees, etc. in exchange for distribution.
  • Promote stock actively: Share sample stock images on social media and creative asset marketplaces to boost exposure and sales.

With the universe of images Midjourney can produce, building a sizable library of AI stock photos and art that are commercially licensed provides passive income potential. As more businesses embrace Midjourney-created assets, this represents a scalable opportunity.

Create YouTube Tutorials and Video Content

Given the public fascination with Midjourney, one of the easiest ways to profit is by creating YouTube tutorials, tips videos, and other video content for the AI art community.

Topics like “How I Create Viral Midjourney Images,” “Midjourney Prompts to Try,” “20 Midjourney Styles Compared,” and “Editing Midjourney Images in Photoshop” resonate with the creator audience and can quickly accumulate views.

Monetize these videos by:

  • Enabling YouTube Partner Program ads
  • Promoting affiliate links to services like Midjourney Unlimited in descriptions
  • Selling shoutout packages to AI artists, brands and creators
  • Creating premium courses on AI art topics for platforms like Skillshare

The more you establish yourself as a thought leader in the Midjourney community, the more sponsorship, speaking, and coaching opportunities may arise.

And be sure to share your tutorials and videos widely on Reddit, Twitter, and the Midjourney Discord channels to further build your audience.

Write Blog Content and Guides Around Midjourney

Similarly, writing in-depth guides and blog content about Midjourney techniques, use cases, or growth strategies lets you organically monetize your expertise through content marketing tactics.

  • Insert affiliate links to relevant services within posts
  • Run paid ads on your blog and content
  • Build SEO traffic and commissions as an Amazon Associate
  • Attract sponsorships from AI art brands
  • Sell downloadable guides and cheatsheets as premium add-ons
  • Promote your paid coaching services
  • Land freelance gigs and consulting clients

Publishing 10+ blog posts, each targeting keywords like “Midjourney prompts” or “selling AI art online,” is a formula for cashing in on search traffic. Include useful tips, actionable tutorials, interviews with successful AI artists, and other compelling content formats.

Offer Coaching and Consulting Services

If you achieve truly advanced skills for unleashing Midjourney’s potential, you can offer personal coaching and consulting services to artists and companies looking to level up their AI capabilities.

Some offerings could include:

  • 1-on-1 Midjourney art coaching: Provide personalized guidance to budding artists on creating professional-grade portfolio pieces, establishing artistic style, choosing compelling concepts, etc.
  • Midjourney mastery course: Develop a comprehensive course package teaching your step-by-step framework for using Midjourney effectively. Sell access on your website or education platforms.
  • AI consulting for artists: advise galleries, auction houses, brands, and talent agencies on navigating the burgeoning AI art landscape and incorporating tools like Midjourney strategically.
  • AI workshops and keynotes: Host public or corporate workshops on harnessing AI for creative activities. Offer inspirational keynote speeches on the future of generative AI.
  • Strategic guidance for businesses: As a consultant, provide end-to-end guidance on adopting AI for marketing, product design, content creation, and other business use cases.

With your proven track record, position yourself as an expert practitioner who can fast-track client results. Especially as generative AI grows more complex, human coaching is invaluable.

Optimizing Your Midjourney Monetization Strategy

Regardless of which monetization path(s) you pursue, here are some overarching tips for maximizing your midjourney money-making strategy:

  • Invest in Midjourney Unlimited: A paid subscription provides unlimited generations for refined output. Worth the productivity boost.
  • Master prompting: Learn techniques like descriptive words, stylistic references, seed images, and prompting frameworks to get stunning results from Midjourney.
  • Fine-tune and iterate: Generate multiple versions of each image to refine quality. Edit in Photoshop if needed. Don’t settle for mediocre.
  • Stay legal and ethical: avoid infringing copyrights or generating harmful content. Read Midjourney’s Content Policy.
  • Interact with the community: join Discord groups, follow top Midjourney artists on Twitter, exchange ideas, and stay inspired.
  • Analyze sales data and trends: Review sales numbers, social media engagement, and web traffic analytics regularly. Double down on what resonates.
  • Reinvest profits to grow: Use earnings to upgrade your Midjourney subscription, invest in courses and coaching, hire assistance, pay for advertising, and fuel further growth.

Remember, this emerging space still rewards first-movers. But to sustain income over the long run, you must deeply understand Midjourney’s capabilities, limitations, and best practices. Stay curious, keep experimenting boldly, and let this unique tool expand your creative horizons.

The intersection of technology and creativity is a thrilling place to be. I wish you the best on your AI-powered monetization journey ahead!

FAQ About Making Money with Midjourney

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about monetizing AI art from Midjourney:

Is selling AI-generated art legal?

Yes, currently, Midjourney’s terms allow you to sell art you create with the tool, subject to some limitations around infringing content. You own the art you generate. But the legality of AI art is still an evolving area.

How much does a Midjourney subscription cost? Midjourney offers a free tier with 25 free generations per month. Their paid Unlimited subscription currently costs $30 per month, which allows unlimited generations in the highest quality settings.

What file formats does Midjourney support? Midjourney outputs images in square JPG format up to 4096 x 4096 pixels. You can edit or export the art in other formats, like PNG, if desired.

Where is the best place to sell Midjourney art? Top options include NFT marketplaces like OpenSea, Nifty Gateway, or SuperRare, creative marketplaces like Etsy, or auction sites like eBay. Each has pros and cons.

How do I make money from YouTube Midjourney videos? You can join the YouTube Partner Program to monetize your videos through ads. Affiliate links and selling merchandise through your channel also generate income.

Can I sell Merch featuring Midjourney art? Yes, print-on-demand dropshipping services like Teespring allow you to upload and sell merchandise with Midjourney art without any upfront inventory costs.

What can I create with Midjourney to sell as stock images? The possibilities are endless! From abstract art to nature photography to tech concepts, generators like Midjourney excel at creating diverse, high-quality stock images on any theme.

Do I need permission to sell art created by Midjourney? No, because the Midjourney Terms grant you full commercial rights over images you create with the tool. Just avoid infringing trademarks or generating illegal/unethical content.

I hope this guide provides a helpful starting point for anyone looking to explore the money-making potential of powerful AI tools like Midjourney! Let me know if you have any other questions.


I'm a content marketing freelancer who helps businesses create and share engaging content that resonates with their audience. When it comes to content marketing, I wear many hats - from strategy and planning, to creating and editing copy, to managing social media accounts. I'm comfortable working independently or as part of a team, and am always looking for new challenges. If you're looking for someone who can help you take your content marketing efforts to the next level, please get in touch!

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