• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

How do I find low competition keywords (using free tools)?

low competition keywordsHow do I find low competition keywords (using free tools)?
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Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for the success of any online business. One of the most important aspects of SEO is finding the right keywords to target. But with so many businesses competing for the same high-volume keywords, it can be challenging to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, there are many low-competition keywords that can generate valuable traffic and leads for your business. In this blog post, we will be exploring how to discover these hidden opportunities by using free tools to your advantage. We will walk you through the process of identifying low-competition keywords and how to incorporate them into your content strategy to get the most out of your SEO efforts. With the right tools and techniques, you can unlock the potential of these underutilized keywords and gain a competitive edge in your niche.

1. Introduction: The importance of low-competition keywords

How to Find Low-Competition Keywords for SEO


When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, keywords play a critical role. However, focusing solely on high-competition keywords can be a challenging and time-consuming task. That’s where low-competition keywords come into play.

Low-competition keywords are key phrases or terms that have relatively low competition from other websites. These keywords present a golden opportunity for your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) without facing fierce competition.

But why should you prioritize low-competition keywords? The answer lies in the potential they hold to drive targeted organic traffic to your website. By targeting these keywords, you can tap into hidden opportunities and attract an audience that may not have discovered your website otherwise.

Additionally, low-competition keywords frequently reveal niches or particular topics that other websites have not extensively explored. This allows you to establish yourself as an authority in that particular area, attracting a loyal audience and setting yourself apart from the competition.

The best part is that finding low-competition keywords doesn’t have to be a costly affair. There are numerous free tools available that can help you uncover these hidden gems. These tools provide invaluable insights into search volume, competition level, and other relevant metrics, allowing you to make informed decisions about which keywords to target.

In the following sections, we will explore some of these free tools and guide you through the process of discovering and leveraging low-competition keywords to unlock new opportunities for your website. So, let’s dive in and uncover the untapped potential that lies within low-competition keywords!


2. Understanding keyword competition: What it means and why it matters

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords


Understanding keyword competition is crucial in your quest to discover low-competition keywords. Keyword competition refers to how difficult it is to rank for a specific keyword in search engine results pages (SERPs). The quantity of websites that target the same keyword, their domain authority, and the caliber and applicability of their content are all factors that affect it.

Why does keyword competition matter? Well, targeting highly competitive keywords can be challenging, especially for new websites or businesses with limited resources. Trying to rank for popular, highly competitive keywords can often result in a lengthy and arduous process, with no guarantee of success.

On the other hand, targeting low-competition keywords can be a game-changer. These keywords have relatively fewer websites competing for them, making it easier to rank higher in search results. By focusing on these untapped opportunities, you can attract targeted traffic to your website and gain a competitive edge in your niche.

When conducting keyword research, it’s important to strike a balance between search volume and competition. While high-volume search keywords may seem attractive, they are often associated with high competition. Therefore, it’s essential to identify those hidden gems—low-competition keywords that still have a decent search volume. These keywords may not have the highest search volume, but they can drive targeted traffic to your website, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Fortunately, there are several free tools available that can help you analyze keyword competition. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, and SEMrush provide invaluable insights into keyword difficulty, search volume, and competition metrics. By leveraging these tools, you can uncover low-competition keywords that your competitors may have overlooked.

In conclusion, understanding keyword competition is essential for uncovering hidden opportunities. By targeting low-competition keywords, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting valuable organic traffic. So, don’t underestimate the power of keyword research and start unlocking those hidden opportunities today.

3. The advantages of targeting low-competition keywords

Introduction: The Power of Low Competition Keywords and Search Intent -  FasterCapital


Targeting low-competition keywords can bring several advantages to your business. While it may be tempting to go after highly competitive keywords with a high search volume, the reality is that these keywords are often saturated with competitors, making it difficult for your website to rank well and gain visibility.

By focusing on low-competition keywords, you have the opportunity to stand out in the search results and capture the attention of a more targeted audience. These keywords may have a lower search volume compared to high-competition ones, but they also have a lower barrier to entry, allowing you to rank higher and drive organic traffic to your website.

One of the key advantages of targeting low-competition keywords is the potential for quicker results. Since these keywords have less competition, it is easier to optimize your website and content to rank for them. This means that you can start generating traffic and attracting potential customers to your website sooner, ultimately boosting your sales and business growth.

Additionally, low-competition keywords often indicate specific niches or long-tail search queries that can bring highly qualified leads to your website. These keywords are generally more targeted and reflect the intent of users who are further along in the buyer’s journey. By aligning your content and offerings with these specific keywords, you can attract users who are more likely to convert into customers.

Furthermore, targeting low-competition keywords can be cost-effective, especially if you are running paid advertising campaigns. Since these keywords are less competitive, the cost per click or impression is generally lower compared to high-competition keywords. This means that you can stretch your advertising budget further and potentially achieve a higher return on investment.

In summary, targeting low-competition keywords can provide you with the opportunity to differentiate yourself from competitors, achieve quicker results, attract highly qualified leads, and optimize your marketing budget. By leveraging free tools and conducting thorough keyword research, you can unlock hidden opportunities and drive sustainable growth for your business.


4. Step 1: Utilizing free keyword research tools

What is the best keyword research tool? - Quora


When it comes to discovering low-competition keywords, utilizing free keyword research tools can be a game changer. These tools not only provide valuable insights into what people are searching for but also help you uncover hidden opportunities with low competition.

One of the most popular free keyword research tools is the Google Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to explore keywords related to your niche and provides data on search volume, competition, and suggested bids. By analyzing this information, you can identify keywords that have a decent search volume but relatively low competition, giving you a higher chance of ranking well in search engine results.

Another useful tool is Ubersuggest. This tool provides keyword suggestions based on your initial keyword search, along with search volume, competition, and cost-per-click data. Ubersuggest also offers additional features like content ideas, backlink data, and competitor analysis, making it a comprehensive tool for keyword research.

Additionally, Answer the Public is a unique tool that generates keyword ideas based on questions people are asking related to your keyword. This can help you find long-tail keywords with low competition, as these specific queries often have less competition compared to broader keywords.

By utilizing these free keyword research tools, you can uncover hidden opportunities and discover low-competition keywords that have the potential to drive targeted traffic to your website. Remember to experiment with different tools and analyze the data to make informed decisions about which keywords to target in your content strategy.


5. Step 2: Generating keyword ideas

How to conduct keyword research step by step guide - FasterCapital


Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs, it’s time to generate keyword ideas that can help you unlock hidden opportunities. Luckily, there are several free tools available that can assist you in this process.

One of the most popular and user-friendly tools is the Google Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to enter relevant keywords or phrases and generates a list of related keywords along with their search volume and competition level. It provides valuable insights into what people are searching for and helps you identify keywords with low competition.

Another helpful tool is Ubersuggest, which provides keyword suggestions based on your seed keyword. It not only gives you a list of keywords but also displays their search volume, competition level, and cost per click (CPC). This data can be instrumental in identifying keywords that have high search volume but low competition, presenting you with untapped opportunities.

Additionally, Answer the Public is a unique tool that generates keyword ideas in the form of questions and phrases. By understanding the questions people are asking related to your industry or niche, you can tailor your content to provide valuable answers and insights, positioning yourself as an expert and attracting organic traffic.

Don’t forget to explore social media platforms like Quora and Reddit. These platforms are treasure troves of user-generated content and discussions. By searching for keywords relevant to your business, you can discover what questions or topics are trending, providing you with valuable insights for your keyword research.

Remember, the goal is to identify keywords that have reasonable search volume but low competition. These “hidden gems” can give you a competitive advantage, as you’ll have a higher chance of ranking higher in search engine results and attracting targeted organic traffic.

Investing time and effort into generating keyword ideas using these free tools will pay off in the long run. By uncovering low-competition keywords, you can tap into untapped markets, increase your website’s visibility, and ultimately drive more organic traffic and sales.


6. Step 3: Analyzing keyword competition

How to Use Competitor Keywords to Improve Your Digital Strategy in 5 Steps


Once you have compiled a list of potential keywords using free keyword research tools, it’s time to analyze the competition for each keyword. This step is crucial in determining which keywords are worth targeting to unlock hidden opportunities in your niche.

To analyze keyword competition, you can use various tools and metrics to gain insights into the level of competition for each keyword. One popular metric to consider is the keyword difficulty score, which indicates how difficult it will be to rank for a specific keyword.

Tools like Moz’s Keyword Explorer or SEMrush’s Keyword Difficulty tool can provide you with valuable data on keyword difficulty. These tools usually assign a score ranging from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating higher competition.

However, it’s important to note that keyword difficulty scores should not be the only factor to consider. It’s also crucial to assess the quality and relevance of the websites currently ranking for your target keywords. If the top-ranking websites are authoritative and well-established in your industry, it might be more challenging to outrank them.

Another aspect to consider is the intent behind the keyword. Are people searching for informational content, or are they looking to make a purchase? Keywords with commercial intent are often more competitive, as they indicate a higher likelihood of conversion.

Additionally, analyzing the search engine results page (SERP) for your target keywords can provide valuable insights into the competition. Pay attention to the types of content ranking, the format of the results (e.g., featured snippets, videos, and images), and the authority of the websites appearing on the first page.

By carefully analyzing keyword competition, you can identify low-competition keywords that present hidden opportunities. These keywords might have lower search volumes compared to high-competition keywords, but they can still drive targeted traffic to your website with less effort.

Remember, the goal is not just to rank for any keyword but to target keywords that align with your business goals and have the potential to bring qualified traffic and conversions. So, take the time to analyze keyword competition and make informed decisions on which keywords to prioritize in your SEO strategy.


7. Step 4: Assessing keyword search volume and relevance

Keyword Search Volume: A Beginner's Guide


Once you have identified a list of potential low-competition keywords using free tools, the next step is to assess their search volume and relevance. This step is crucial in determining the potential traffic and visibility these keywords can bring to your website or blog.

To assess the search volume of a keyword, you can utilize keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest. These tools provide valuable insights into the average monthly search volume for specific keywords. Aim for keywords with a decent search volume that align with your content goals and target audience.

However, don’t solely focus on search volume. It is equally important to assess the relevance of these keywords to your content and your target audience. Ask yourself if these keywords accurately reflect what your website or blog offers and if they are likely to attract the right kind of visitors. Look for keywords that are highly relevant to your niche and have the potential to drive qualified traffic.

Additionally, consider the intent behind the keyword. Are users searching for informational content, looking to make a purchase, or seeking specific services? Understanding user intent will help you tailor your content to meet their needs and increase the chances of conversion.

Furthermore, take note of any long-tail keywords within your list. These are longer and more specific keyword phrases that usually have less competition but can attract highly targeted traffic. Long-tail keywords often indicate specific user intent and can help you capture niche audiences.

By carefully assessing the search volume, relevance, and intent of your chosen keywords, you can unlock hidden opportunities and optimize your content strategy for maximum visibility and engagement. Remember, quality over quantity is key when it comes to selecting keywords that can truly make a difference in your online presence.


8. Step 5: Selecting the best low-competition keywords

How to Find Low-Competition Keywords for SEO


Selecting the best low-competition keywords is a crucial step in unlocking hidden opportunities for your website. By targeting these keywords, you can maximize your chances of ranking higher in search engine results and attracting organic traffic to your site.

To begin, it’s important to utilize free keyword research tools that can provide valuable insights into search volume, competition, and relevancy. One such tool is Google Keyword Planner, which allows you to explore keyword ideas and analyze their performance metrics.

When selecting low-competition keywords, there are a few key factors to consider. First, focus on long-tail keywords. These are longer and more specific phrases that target niche audiences. While they may have lower search volume, they often have less competition, making it easier for your website to rank for them.

Additionally, pay attention to the keyword difficulty metric. This metric indicates how challenging it may be to rank for a particular keyword. Aim for keywords with a lower difficulty score, as this indicates less competition and greater potential to rank higher.

Another aspect to consider is relevancy. Ensure that the selected keywords align with your website’s content, products, or services. Targeting keywords that accurately reflect what your target audience is looking for will not only enhance your website’s visibility but also attract more qualified traffic.

Lastly, don’t forget to analyze the search intent behind each keyword. Understanding why users are searching for a particular keyword can help you tailor your content to meet their needs, increasing the likelihood of conversion and customer retention.

By carefully selecting the best low-competition keywords, you can tap into untapped markets, reach a more targeted audience, and ultimately drive more organic traffic to your website. This strategic approach to keyword selection will undoubtedly help unlock hidden opportunities and propel your online presence to new heights.

9. Creating high-quality content around low-competition keywordsHow to Do Keyword Research (Get 584,958+ Readers) in 2023


Creating high-quality content around low-competition keywords can be a game-changer for your website’s visibility and organic traffic. By targeting these keywords, you have a higher chance of ranking on the first page of search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

When it comes to creating content, it’s essential to focus on providing value and answering your audience’s questions. By understanding the intent behind the low-competition keywords you’ve discovered, you can tailor your content to meet those needs effectively.

Start by conducting thorough research on the chosen keyword. Look for related topics and subtopics that you can include in your content to make it comprehensive and informative. This will not only help you cover a broader range of search queries but also demonstrate your expertise in the subject matter.

Crafting engaging and well-structured content is crucial to keeping your readers hooked. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break down the information and make it easily scannable. Incorporate relevant images, videos, or infographics to enhance the visual appeal and provide an immersive experience for your audience.

Don’t forget to optimize your content with the low-competition keyword. Include it in the title, meta description, headings, and throughout the body of your article naturally. However, always prioritize the user experience and avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm your rankings and deter readers.

Additionally, consider promoting your content through various channels. Share it on social media platforms, send it to your email subscribers, and engage with relevant online communities and forums. This will not only increase your content’s visibility but also attract more backlinks and referral traffic, further boosting your SEO efforts.

Remember, creating high-quality content around low-competition keywords is a long-term strategy. It may take time to see significant results, but with consistency and continuous improvement, you can unlock hidden opportunities and drive sustainable organic traffic to your website.

10. Monitoring and adjusting your keyword strategyHow to conduct keyword research for seo campaign 1 - FasterCapital


Once you have conducted keyword research and implemented your initial keyword strategy, it is essential to continuously monitor and adjust your approach. This ongoing process will help you unlock hidden opportunities and stay ahead of your competition.

One way to monitor your keyword performance is through the use of free tools, such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These tools provide valuable insights into the keywords that are driving traffic to your website, as well as the ones that may be underperforming.

Pay close attention to the keywords that are generating the most organic traffic and conversions. These are the keywords that resonate with your target audience and drive meaningful results. Consider optimizing your content further for these high-performing keywords to maximize their impact.

Similarly, identify the keywords that are not performing as well as expected.

This could be an opportunity to refine your content or explore alternative keywords with higher potential. Look for long-tail keywords or niche variations that have lower competition but still align with your business objectives.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your keyword strategy based on performance data will help you stay relevant in search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new keywords or variations to see what works best for your business.

Remember, keyword monitoring and adjustment is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort. By staying proactive and adapting to changes in search trends and competition, you can uncover hidden opportunities and continue to improve your website’s visibility and success.

11. Conclusion: Unlocking hidden opportunities with low-competition keywords

In conclusion, unlocking hidden opportunities with low-competition keywords can be a game-changer for your website’s visibility and success. By utilizing the free tools available online, you can tap into a treasure trove of untapped keywords that have the potential to drive targeted traffic to your site.

Keyword research is a crucial step in any SEO strategy, but it’s important to not overlook the power of low-competition keywords. While high-volume and competitive keywords may seem appealing, they can be difficult to rank for and may not yield the desired results. On the other hand, low-competition keywords offer a unique opportunity to target a specific niche audience and stand out from the crowd.

By conducting thorough keyword research and analysis, you can identify these hidden gems that have the potential to attract qualified leads and boost your organic search rankings. Free tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and SEMrush can provide valuable insights into search volume, competition level, and related keywords.

Once you have identified these low-competition keywords, it’s important to strategically incorporate them into your website’s content, meta tags, and headings. This will help search engines understand the relevance of your content and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Additionally, don’t forget to create high-quality, informative, and engaging content that aligns with these keywords. Providing value to your audience will not only help attract organic traffic but also encourage repeat visits and customer loyalty.

In a highly competitive digital landscape, unlocking hidden opportunities with low-competition keywords can give you a competitive edge and open doors to new possibilities. So, take advantage of these free tools, conduct thorough research, and optimize your website with these untapped keywords to unlock a world of untapped potential.

We hope you found our blog post on uncovering hidden opportunities through low-competition keywords helpful. In today’s competitive online landscape, finding untapped keywords can be a game-changer for your website’s visibility and organic traffic. By utilizing free tools and following our step-by-step guide, you can unlock a treasure trove of keyword opportunities that your competitors may have overlooked. So, get ready to boost your search engine rankings and attract new visitors to your site by incorporating these low-competition keywords into your content strategy. Happy keyword hunting!


I'm a content marketing freelancer who helps businesses create and share engaging content that resonates with their audience. When it comes to content marketing, I wear many hats - from strategy and planning, to creating and editing copy, to managing social media accounts. I'm comfortable working independently or as part of a team, and am always looking for new challenges. If you're looking for someone who can help you take your content marketing efforts to the next level, please get in touch!

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